Archive for June, 2007

Not Sure

I’m not sure where I’m going with this blog. That last post made me want to throw up in my mouth a little. Yeah, I know, I could delete it. Fuck it.

I can’t deny that I’m in a funk of major proportions. I don’t really expect a lot response to this crap, but sometimes it feels really good to type this shit out and leave it out there, floating in cyberspace, like so much flotsam and jetsam.

If anybody cares: In the past four years I’ve been through a divorce(the loss of my best friend), the passing of my idol(my mom), the impending foreclosure on my house due to the recent divorce, pending change of home and school, recent contact from a very close friend, blah, blah, fucking blah.

This pales in comparison to some other bloggers I’ve come to know.

There’s only a few days left to show some love for Puppy Monster. Please visit Dawg and show him some love.

Then go to Avi’s blog to give whatever you can.

Just when you think your life’s in the shitter…


June 29, 2007 at 9:05 am 21 comments

Hot Licks

Being both a big fan of Aerosmith and a lover of all things “hawt”, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you, Joe Perry’s Boneyard Brew Hot Sauce!

This stuff fucking Rocks my world!

It comes in two flavors: Boneyard and Mango-Peach Tango.  The flavor is not overly sweet with just the right amount of kick.  I just scored three bottles(two B’s and one MPT) the other day from his website.
I’ve yet to try the MP Tango ’cause I’m hooked on the Boneyard.


This has been an unsolicited mixednut product endorsement.

Mmmm…maybe I should look into this Pay Per Post deal.

June 28, 2007 at 11:21 pm 3 comments

What Next?


Elephants: The Dark Side [TV-PG]
Friday, June 8, 2007, at 11A


I watched this show, and I just know this asshole is responsible.


June 25, 2007 at 1:19 am 12 comments

Time out


Just wanted to send some love to the NYC Watchdog who lost his 5 year old son in a tragic accident recently.

If you can help at all, it would be greatly appreciated. Please click here to send some support.

I can’t even begin to imagine what he must be going through right now.

June 23, 2007 at 6:27 pm 1 comment

It’s Friday!


June 22, 2007 at 5:51 pm 2 comments

Shelli’s Meme

The lovely Shelli of Shelli’s Sentiments created this meme.  How cool is that?

It’s called – 6 Weird things I do while getting ready to sleep or while sleeping:

She wants her meme to be internet-wide by tomorrow, or the day after so I’m not tagging anyone.  I’m telling you.  Do it!

6. A few hours before bed I try to make sure that I’ve drunk enough beer to paralyze a moose.  That way I’m sure to fall right to sleep.

5.  Next, I put down some fresh rubber sheets because, well… I tend to soil myself during the night.  I just don’t feel like getting up.

4.  Then, I give the ol’ snotlocker a good going over with my pinky nail that I let grow extra long, just for this purpose.  I just can’t get a good night’s sleep unless I can really BREATHE.

3.  I don’t wear anything to bed.  It just means more laundry.

2.  Once I fall asleep, I’m like a giant log that was felled in the forest.  I don’t move an inch and it sounds like someone is trying to turn me into firewood with their buzzsaw. 

1.  I have the same dream every single night.  Did ya ever see that movie Deliverance?

June 19, 2007 at 11:28 pm 12 comments

Hot Chix

Girls on motorcycles are sexy as hell.

But chicks on riding mowers? Now, that’s hawt!

June 18, 2007 at 5:23 pm 13 comments

And You May Ask Yourself…

…well, how did I get here?

Sometimes I wonder.

Ok. So it wasn’t the perfect childhood. But I did the best with what was dealt to me.

My parents divorced when I was 5. My mom was granted custody, which was the norm for the times. But yet they still got along well enough that when it came time for “Dad’s weekend”, my mom usually was there, all weekend. Hey, it was the early 70’s.

I never really “knew” my dad until they decided to take another shot at “it” when I was 11. It lasted for about 18 months, but in her heart, my mom couldn’t hack it. And she was as tough as nails. From what I remember as a toddler and recollections from my siblings (half-sibs, but that’s splitting heirs, heh) my dad was a bit… well…to say it nicely…controlling.

Having to decide which one to live with was not an option the first go-round, but the second time around was a real bitch.

So I spent a couple of years with him and tried to absorb as much of the good stuff that I could and filtered out the bullshit. I definitely picked up on his sense of humor, his sense of adventure, the willingness to try new things and how not to be a lemming. You could say we were somewhat close. One thing I can definitely say about him was that he was extremely fair. He was always willing to consider both sides before laying down the law. He was a bit of a rebel and liked to be his own boss. He was always freelancing his writing or photo skills and later tried to start his own home based biz.

But that never panned out and eventually he wanted to leave California for Texas. Texas? I don’t think so. So we parted ways and I went back to live with mom, who was having a bit of trouble on her own. My dad could take care of himself.

After that we still communicated regularly, mostly by phone. During the last few years it was mostly to borrow money from me. I sent what I could when I could. He never made an appearance at the milestones: graduation, wedding, etc. Being his only son, I guess I kind of expected a little more effort on his part. Unfortunately he had this aversion to growing old and I vaguely remember him telling me that he never wanted to be a grandfather. Imagine that! Well he managed to live up to (or not) that little goal because he passed away one year before my son was born.

I’ve always tried to be a better father to my son than my dad was to me and I think I am. And although I may kid around (pun intended) my son is my pride and joy and I would walk through fire for him.

Well, Dad, I will always remember the laughs, the trips to the desert to shoot the races, and the Baja Bug we put together. Those were great times!

I hope there’s a WiFi connection where you are right now ’cause I want you to know that I still think of and love you.

Happy Father’s Day Dad.

June 16, 2007 at 9:36 pm 5 comments

Almost Paradise


I took this picture on the way to work one day.

It was so stunning that I had to pull over and snap it (luckily I had my camera).

It was a perfect morning.
The sun rising, people just getting up to go to work, the dissipating smell of phosphorus as the meth labs shut down for the day… ahhhh paradise.

June 15, 2007 at 4:53 am 6 comments

Gotta Love ‘Em


June 15, 2007 at 3:29 am 4 comments

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